中国的机器人外科学杂志 | ISSN 2096-7721 | CN 10-1650/R


Design and technical realization of endovascular intervention robot in clinical practice


1 No. 4 Oct. 2020 DOI: 10.12180/j.issn.2096-7721.2020.04.003 发布日期:2022-08-06


目前,随着血管介入手术日益普遍,对介入诊疗的要求也越来越高。血管介入手术的远程遥控机器人 系统,既可以解决介入医生射线累积损伤问题,又可以利用机械系统的精准性、稳定性来提高手术质量,因此成为未 来血管介入高端诊疗装备的发展方向之一。本文从临床应用的角度出发,提出了一种新型的血管介入手术机器人的临 床设计方法及其技术实现。首先,基于医生的实际操作,提出了模仿医生旋捻动作的导管导丝仿生操作手;其次,基 于临床手术场景,提出了多手协同的导管导丝复合操作模式,应对复杂操作要求;最后,给出了初步的技术实现和样 机验证。实验结果表明,该样机表现出了高度的稳定性和灵巧性,可以实施复杂多样的手术动作,并满足临床需求。

Since more and more interventional vascular surgeries are performed, higher requirements on interventional therapy are expected . Remote control robot system for endovascular intervention surgery could avoid accumulated X-ray harm during interventional surgery, while the machines’ precision and steady performance will ensure the quality and safety of surgery. Therefore, the endovascular intervention robot will be the trend of high-end medical interventional equipment. This paper mainly proposed a novel design and the way to realize it from the views of clinical practice. Firstly, a biomimetic manipulator is designed to imitate the doctor’s clamping, push-pulling and rotation, as well as the combination of these three motions. Secondly, the mode of multi-manipulator coordination of guidewires and catheters is proposed to perform the complex action based on the intervention surgery procedures. Finally, a preliminary technical realization and prototype verification are reported. The experiments show that the prototype could accomplish the complex and diversified surgical actions with high stability and flexibility.


收稿日期:2020-03-02  录用日期:2020-05-25 

Received Date: 2020-03-02  Accepted Date: 2020-05-25 

基金项目:国家科技创新 2030-“新一代人工智能”重大项目,名称:血管介入手术机器人关键技术研究(2018AAA0102603); 2019 年上海市卫生健康委员会医学领军人才计划项目,名称:基于机器人技术的主动脉扩张性疾病精准微创腔内治疗(2019LJ17); 军队后勤项目,名称:战时心血管伤机器人辅助介入救治的技术研究(16QNP094) 

Foundation Item: National Science and Technology Innovation 2030-“New Generation Artificial Intelligence”Major Project, Research on key technologies of endovascular interventional surgery robot (2018AAA0102603);2019 Medical Leading Talents Program of Shanghai Health Commission, Robot-based precision minimally endovascular treatment for aortic dilatation disease (2019LJ17);Military Logistics Project, Technical research on robot assisted interventional endovascular treatment of cardiovascular injuries in wartime (16QNP094) 


Corresponding Author: WANG Kundong, Email: kdwang@sjtu. edu. cn; LU Qingsheng, Email: luqs@xueguan. net 

引用格式:王坤东,陆清声,陈冰,等 . 血管介入手术机器人的临床设计及技术实现 [J]. 机器人外科学杂志,2020,1(4): 243-249. 

Citation: WANG K D, LU Q S, CHEN B, et al. Design and technical realization of endovascular intervention robot in clinical practice [J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2020,1(4):243-249.


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