中国的机器人外科学杂志 | ISSN 2096-7721 | CN 10-1650/R

MAKO 机器人手术系统辅助下全髋关节置换术手术配合

Operation cooperation on total hip replacement assisted by MAKO robot surgery system


1 No. 4 Oct. 2020 DOI: 10.12180/j.issn.2096-7721.2020.04.008 发布日期:2022-08-06


总结 MAKO 机器人手术系统辅助下全髋关节置换术的护理配合经验,为制定此类手术标准化 护理配合提供参考。方法:回顾性总结北京和睦家医院 2019 年 4 月 ~2019 年 8 月行 MAKO 机器人辅助下全髋关节 置换术 4例患者的临床资料及手术护理配合过程,包括术前机器人手术系统的准备、术中手术配合及贵重器械的使用。 结果:4例MAKO机器人手术系统辅助下全髋关节置换术的手术护理配合过程顺利,术中出血少,术后 24h可下床活动, 无并发症发生。结论:MAKO 机器人手术系统可以提高手术精确度、减少手术创伤、提高手术成功率,但是也对手 术室护士仪器设备器械的使用与管理提出了更高的要求,需要手术室护士应不断学习新知识,以适应医疗技术的不 断更新。

To summarize the experience of nursing assistance in total hip replacement assisted by MAKO robot surgery system and provide reference for making standardized nursing assistance in this kind of surgery. Methods: The clinical data of 4 patients who underwent total hip replacement assisted by MAKO robot in Beijing United Family Hospital from April 2019 to August 2019 were reviewed. The nursing assistance procedures, including the preparation of robot operation system before operation, intraoperative operation cooperation and the management of instruments, were also analyzed. Results: 4 cases of total hip replacement assisted by MAKO robot surgery system were completed smoothly with no complications and less intraoperative blood loss, patients took out-of-bed activity 24 hours after operation. Conclusion: MAKO robot operation system is of higher precision, less operation wound and higher success rate, however, higher standard management and using of instruments and equipment shall be acquired by nurses in operation room. Operation room nurses shall keep learning new knowledges to meet the requirements of medical technology development.


收稿日期:2020-04-07  录用日期:2020-06-15 

Received Date: 2020-04-07  Accepted Date: 2020-06-15 

引用格式:孙莹,葛蕊,侯艳,等 .MAKO 机器人手术系统辅助下全髋关节置换术手术配合 [J]. 机器人外科学杂志,2020, 1(4):280-285. 

Citation: SUN Y, GE R, HOU Y, et al. Operation cooperation on total hip replacement assisted by MAKO robot surgery system[J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2020, 1 (4):280-285.


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