中国的机器人外科学杂志 | ISSN 2096-7721 | CN 10-1650/R


Robot-assisted screw placement technique in treating severe congenital scoliosis and kyphosis: a case report


1 No. 4 Oct. 2020 DOI: 10.12180/j.issn.2096-7721.2020.04.011 发布日期:2022-08-06
关键词: 脊柱侧凸;脊柱机器人;Cobb 角;椎弓根螺钉


本团队在 Renaissance 脊柱手术机器人辅助下手术治疗了 1 例先天性重度混合型脊柱侧后凸的青少年 患者,术前患者全脊柱 X 线正侧位片示 Cobb 角:胸弯 87°,腰弯 57°,胸椎后凸角度 70°,存在冠状位失平衡。通 过全面充分的术前规划,术中在 Renaissance 脊柱手术机器人辅助下置入 11 枚螺钉,并行 T11 半椎体切除及 T12 部分 椎体切除。术后胸腰椎矫正率达 71%,后凸畸形矫正。

An adolescent patient with severe congenital scoliosis and kyphosis was treated under assistance of Renaissance spinal robot. The whole spine radiography image was evaluated before operation. The coronal Cobb angles was 87°(thoracic), 57°(lumbar) and the sagittal Cobb angle was 70°, which meant the coronal was unbalanced. Eleven screws were placed with the assistance of Renaissance spinal robot. The excisions of T11 hemivertebrae and T12 subtotal vertebrae were achieved in surgery. The postoperative correction rate of thoracic and lumbar was 71% and the kyphosis was corrected.


收稿日期:2020-03-25  录用日期:2020-06-25 

Received Date: 2020-03-25  Accepted Date: 2020-06-25 


Foundation Item: The Taishan Scholars program of Shandong, China (ts20190985) 


Corresponding Author: XI Yongming, Email: xym700118@163. com 

引用格式:杜钰堃,毕一方,郭建伟,等 . 机器人辅助下置钉技术治疗先天性重度脊柱侧后凸一例报道 [J]. 机器人外科学杂志, 2020,1(4):300-304. 

Citation: DU Y K, BI Y F, GUO J W, et al. Robot-assisted screw placement technique in treating severe congenital scoliosis and kyphosis: a case report[J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2020, 1(4):300-304.


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