中国的机器人外科学杂志 | ISSN 2096-7721 | CN 10-1650/R


Application of robot-assisted peritoneal vaginoplasty in the treatment of transsexualism


Vol. 3 No. 6 Dec. 2022 DOI: 10.12180/j.issn.2096-7721.2022.06.005 发布日期:2023-10-19


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收稿日期:2021-11-02  录用日期:2022-02-16

Received Date: 2021-11-02  Accepted Date: 2022-02-16


Foundation Item: Natural Science Foundation Project of Gansu Provincial Science and Technology Department (20JR5RA151) 


Corresponding Author: WANG Hailin, Email: 

引用格式:张勤,王海琳,郭树忠,等 . 机器人辅助腹膜代阴道成形术在易性症治疗中的应用 [J]. 机器人外科学杂志(中英文), 2022,3(6):464-470.

Citation: ZHANG Q, WANG H L, GUO S Z, et al. Application of robot-assisted peritoneal vaginoplasty in the treatment of transsexualism [J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2022, 3(6):464-470.


目的:探讨机器人辅助腹膜代阴道成形术在治疗男变女易性症患者阴道再造中的应用。方法:2021 年 5 月经手术治疗男变女易性症患者 2 例,使用达芬奇机器人 Xi 辅助游离切取适量盆底壁腹膜构造阴道黏膜部,自盆 底牵入预先分离好的穴道内,最后将再造阴道黏膜部远端与预先构建的大阴唇及尿道外口边缘缝合形成完整阴道。 结果:达芬奇机器人 Xi 进行盆腔腹膜游离操作时精准灵活,术中出血少,再造阴道无狭窄,有足够深度和宽度,阴 道壁柔软、湿润、富有弹性,贴近生理阴道功能,手术损伤小,无盆腔脏器损伤,无血管神经损伤,阴道腹膜和阴 蒂成活良好,外阴形态美观、伤口愈合好。结论:达芬奇机器人 Xi 辅助腹膜代阴道成形术应用于男变女易性症患者 治疗中,效果好、损伤小、恢复快,值得在临床中推广应用。

Objective: To explore the application of robot-assisted peritoneal vaginoplasty in the treatment of transsexuality from male to female. Methods: 2 cases of transsexuality from male to female were performed with Da Vinci Xi robotic surgical system in May 2021. Part of pelvic floor peritoneum was cut and pulled from the pelvic floor into the pre-separated canal to construct vaginal mucosa. The distal part of the reconstructed vaginal mucosa was sutured with the preconstructed labia majora and the outer edge of the urethra to form a complete vagina. Results: The Da Vinci Xi system has the advantages of accurate and flexible operation in separating pelvic floor peritoneum, which could cause less intraoperative bleeding or surgical injury. The reconstructed vagina was deep and wide enough and close to physiological vaginal function. With soft, moist and elastic vaginal wall and good survival of vaginal peritoneum and clitoris, it leads no stricture of the reconstructed vagina or injury to pelvic organs. No vascular or nerve injury was found. The shape of vulva was beautiful and the wound healed well. Conclusion: Da Vinci Xi robot-assisted peritoneal vaginoplasty has advantages of good effect, small trauma and quick recovery in the treatment of male to female transsexuality, it is worth of clinical promotion.
