中国的机器人外科学杂志 | ISSN 2096-7721 | CN 10-1650/R


Application of modular training model in coordination training for robotic surgery


Vol. 3 No. 3 Jun. 2022 DOI: 10.12180/j.issn.2096-7721.2022.03.009 发布日期:2023-10-19



To summarize and evaluate training effect of modular training mode on operating room nurses in robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery. Methods: The series of modular training on operating room nurses of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital for robotic surgery from September 2017 to September 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. The training system consists of three modules: primary or basic module, which includes the basic and specialized theoretical study on Da Vinci3..


收稿日期:2021-01-29 录用日期:2021-07-22

Received Date: 2021-01-29 Accepted Date: 2021-07-22


Foundation Item: Medical Health Science and Technology Project of Zhejiang (2019RC101)


Corresponding Author: YU Xiaofen, Email:

引用格式:喻晓芬,何茫茫. 模块化培训模式在机器人手术配合训练中的应用[J]. 机器人外科学杂志(中英文),2022,3(3):217-223.

Citation: YU X F, HE M M. Application of modular training model in coordination training for robotic surgery [J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2022, 3(3): 217-223.


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