中国的机器人外科学杂志 | ISSN 2096-7721 | CN 10-1650/R


Progress of autonomous technology on robot-assisted surgery


Vol. 4 No. 4 Aug. 2023 DOI: 10.12180/j.issn.2096-7721.2023.04.001 发布日期:2023-10-19


自 20 世纪 80 年代中期机器人技术被引入到手术室以来,医生和研究人员就一直寻求把更高智能化 的技术与机器人系统进行结合。与常规手术相比,具有更高智能化的手术机器人系统往往需要具备更高的安全性和 准确性,并能够通过配套的感知系统和当前所处的手术阶段来进行决策调整。虽然完全自主的手术机器人系统距真 正的临床使用还有一定距离,但随着技术的积累和发展,具备半自主和部分医生参与决策的机器人智能技术会逐渐 被引入到手术室,并为临床手术的开展提供了更好的平台。本文主要对当前机器人辅助手术及相关智能化技术的进 展进行总结和展望。

Since the first introduction of robotic system into the operating room in the mid-1980s, surgeons and scientific  researchers have been trying to integrate higher intelligent technologies with the robot-assisted surgery. Compared with traditional  surgeries, the intelligent robotic surgical system should possess higher accuracy and safety, and be able to make decisions based  on the results of matched sensing system and current surgical stage. Although fully autonomous robotic surgical systems are still  far from real operating room, it is envisioned that the development of related technologies will enable the clinical application of  semi-autonomous and partially surgeonscollaborated robotic systems, which would eventually lead to enhanced surgical platforms. In  this paper, the current development of autonomy technologies in robot-assisted surgery was introduced and discussed.


收稿日期:2021-08-24  录用日期:2022-05-26 

Received Date: 2021-08-24  Accepted Date: 2022-05-26 


Foundation Item: National Natural Science Foundation of China (61803103) 


Corresponding Author: LI Changsheng, Email: 

引用格式:郭靖,吴迪,成卓奇,等 . 机器人辅助手术自主性技术的进展 [J]. 机器人外科学杂志(中英文),2023,4(4): 281-298. 

Citation: GUO J, WU D, CHENG Z Q, et al. Progress of autonomous technology on robot-assisted surgery: a review [J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2023, 4 (4): 281-298. 



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