中国的机器人外科学杂志 | ISSN 2096-7721 | CN 10-1650/R


Research progress of robot-assisted laparoscopic radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer while preserving fertility


Vol. 4 No. 5 Oct. 2023 DOI: 10.12180/j.issn.2096-7721.2023.05.011 发布日期:2023-10-19


随着宫颈癌年轻化、晚婚晚育以及国家三孩政策的放开,以丧失生育功能为代价的宫颈癌根治术不再 被大众接受。在符合保育手术条件的部分女性中,行机器人辅助下根治性宫颈切除术可获得与宫颈癌广泛性全子宫切 除术相似的肿瘤学结局,同时能保留患者生育功能。如何不断改善这项技术是目前妇科专家关注的问题。

Since the occurrence of cervical cancer occurs in younger patients, the condition of late marriage and late childbirth, and the opening of the three-child policy, radical hysterectomy at the cost of losing reproductive function is no longer acceptable by the public. Robot-assisted radical trachelectomy could achieve similar oncological outcomes with radical hysterectomy while preserving fertility in treating early-stage cervical cancer. How to continuously improve this technology is currently a concern of gynecological experts .


收稿日期:2022-07-14  录用日期:2023-01-18 

Received Date: 2022-07-14  Accepted Date: 2023-01-18 

基金项目:辽宁省应用基础研究计划(2022JH2/101300039);2022 年沈阳市科技计划(22-321-33-54);国家卫生健康委医 药卫生科技发展研究中心(HDSL202003005) 

Foundation Item: Applied Basic Research Program of Liaoning Province (2022JH2/101300039); Science and Technology Plan of Shenyang in 2022 (22-321-33-54); Developmental Center for Medical Science & Technology National Health Commission of China (HDSL202003005) 


Corresponding Author: ZHANG Yi, Email: 

引用格式:王亚静,张颐 . 机器人辅助腹腔镜下宫颈癌保育手术的研究进展 [J]. 机器人外科学杂志(中英文),2023,5(3): 471-476. 

Citation: WANG Y J, ZHANG Y. Research progress of robot-assisted laparoscopic radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer while preserving fertility [J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2023, 5(3): 471-476.


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