中国的机器人外科学杂志 | ISSN 2096-7721 | CN 10-1650/R

全国 116 所医院机器人辅助手术专科护理团队工作现状调查

Current working situation of specialist nursing teams in robotic surgery: a national survey of China


Vol. 4 No. 1 Feb. 2023 DOI: 10.12180/j.issn.2096-7721.2023.01.007 发布日期:2023-10-19


目的:调查全国机器人辅助手术专科护士人力资源、护理管理现状及护士在工作过程中面临的压力与 不良事件,为机器人辅助手术护理亚专科发展和管理提供建议。方法:采用问卷调查法,在全国拥有达芬奇机器人 辅助手术系统的医院中选择手术室中机器人辅助手术专科护士进行问卷调查。结果:调查的 707 名护士中,持有正 式培训证书的机器人辅助手术专科护士有 399 名(56.43%)。机器人辅助手术专科护士平均每周工作时长为 45h(中 位数),平均每周加班时长为 8h(中位数)。其排名前三位的压力来源因素分别是:加班严重(22.63%)、患者安 全(17.82%)和设备故障不能得到及时有效的技术支持(17.26%)。261 名(36.92%)护士认为机器人手术护理团 队最迫切需要解决的问题为人力资源短缺,682 名(96.46%)护士认为相关部门出台机器人辅助手术系统的使用及 管理标准对工作有帮助。结论:医院及卫生管理部门应重视机器人手术专科护士的培养,不断探索及完善机器人辅 助手术专科护士的选拔标准,建立统一的机器人外科手术系统的使用及管理标准,合理配置人力资源,减轻工作压力, 促进机器人手术护理团队的发展。

Objective: To investigate the current situation of human resources and nursing management of specialist nursing team in robotic surgery in the mainland of China, and explore the stress and adverse events faced by nurses in working, with the purpose of providing references for the development and management of nursing in robotic surgery. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted among robotic operating room nurses in hospitals with Da Vinci surgical system across the mainland of China. Results: 707 nurses participated in this survey, among them, 399 nurses acquired the formal training certificate for robotic nursing( 56.43%). The median weekly working time of them was 45 hours, and the median weekly overtime was 8h. The top three sources of stress faced by these nurses were overtime(22.63%), patients’ safety(17.82%), equipment failure without timely and effective technical support (17.26%). 261 (36.92%) nurses indicated that staff shortage was the most pressing problem for robotic surgery nursing teams, and 682 (96.46%) nurses thought it would be helpful if standard operating procedures and management on robot-assisted surgery issued by authority. Conclusion: Hospitals and health management departments should attach importance to the training of professional nurse in robotic surgery, explore and improve the selection criteria for nurses in robotic surgery, establish unified standards for the application and management of robotic surgical equipment. Meanwhile, reasonable allocation of human resources and work pressure relieving would also help to promote the development of specialist nursing teams in robotic surgery.


收稿日期:2021-08-09  录用日期:2022-03-03

Received Date: 2021-08-09  Accepted Date: 2022-03-03 

基金项目:国家“十二五”科技支撑计划(2012BAI10B01 子课题);同济医院领航项目(2019CR101)

 Foundation Item: Twelfth Five-Year Plan Supported by National Science and Technology Project (A Sub-topic for 2012BAI10B01); Pilot Project of Tongji Hospital (2019CR101) 


Corresponding Author: HE Guolong, Email: 

引用格式:姚一苇,何国龙,赵体玉,等 . 全国 116 所医院机器人辅助手术专科护理团队工作现状调查 [J]. 机器人外科学杂志(中 英文),2023,4(1):48-56. 

Citation: YAO Y W, HE G L, ZHAO T Y, et al. Current working situation of specialist nursing teams in robotic surgery: a national survey of China [J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2023, 4(1): 48-56.


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