中国的机器人外科学杂志 | ISSN 2096-7721 | CN 10-1650/R


Current situation and progress of the assessment on returning to driving in stroke patients


Vol. 5 No. 2 Apr. 2024 DOI: 10.12180/j.issn.2096-7721.2024.02.007 发布日期:2024-07-10


汽车驾驶已经成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的部分,也是脑卒中患者重返社会的最重要能力之一。 安全驾驶和驾驶训练的基础是对驾驶能力的准确评估。根据国外研究,脑卒中后的驾驶能力评估主要包括路测、心 理测验和驾驶模拟。目前,我国不仅缺少脑卒中患者安全驾驶的评定标准,也缺乏明确、统一的评估方案。近年来, 医工结合技术和计算机技术的发展为驾驶能力的客观化、精准化、智能化评估提供了可能。本文旨在对脑卒中患者 重返驾驶的评估研究及进展情况进行综述。

Driving has become an integral part of people’s daily lives now, and it is also one of the most important abilities for stroke patients to return to society. Safe driving and driving training are based on accurate assessment of driving ability. According to foreign researches, the assessment of driving ability after stroke includes on-road tests, psychological tests and driving simulation. China is not only short of assessment criteria for safe driving on stroke patients, but also lacks well-defined and uniform assessment methods. With the development of medicine-engineering interdisciplinary and computer technology, it is possible to assess driving ability objectively, accurately and intelligently. The current situations and progress of driving ability assessment for stroke patients were reviewed in this paper.


收稿日期:2021-12-27  录用日期:2023-01-24 

Received Date: 2021-12-27  Accepted Date: 2023-01-24 

基金项目:吉林省自然科学基金学科布局项目(20210101359JC);吉林大学白求恩计划项目(2020B41);吉林大学 2020 年 创新创业教育课程建设项目(CXCYA202029)

Foundation Item: Disciplinary Layout Project of the Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province (20210101359JC); Jilin University Bethune Project (2020B41); Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Curriculum Construction Project of Jilin University in 2020 (CXCYA202029)


Corresponding Author: DUAN Xiaoqin, Email: 

引用格式:张琪,刘欣,郑斌,等 . 脑卒中患者重返驾驶能力评估的研究现状及进展 [J]. 机器人外科学杂志(中英文),2024,5 (2):153-157. 

Citation: ZHANG Q, LIU X, ZHENG B, et al. Current status and progress of the assessment on returning to driving in stroke patients[J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2024, 5(2): 153-157


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