中国的机器人外科学杂志 | ISSN 2096-7721 | CN 10-1650/R


Research progress of robot-assisted surgery in the treatment of spinal fracture with spinal cord injury


Vol. 5 No. 2 Apr. 2024 DOI: 10.12180/j.issn.2096-7721.2024.02.013 发布日期:2024-07-10


脊柱骨折作为骨科常见创伤之一,多由直接或间接外力引起,主要累及脊柱和周围软组织。脊柱骨折 后正常生理结构改变,常导致脊髓神经受损、受压,且由于椎管内含脆弱神经,解剖结构复杂,对于手术精准性要求 较高。机器人手术系统拥有自由度较高的机械臂,术者可利用计算机实时导航跟踪、动态监测进针的精度与安全性, 并能提高穿刺及置钉成功率,避免二次骨质破坏,减轻术者工作负荷。同时,机器人辅助治疗和康复方式在临床治疗 中的应用,可为患者提供持续性神经治疗和康复,增加患者肌肉活动性,改善神经损伤情况,有利于患者肢体功能康复。 本研究主要分析机器人辅助手术在脊柱骨折伴脊髓神经损伤中的应用,旨在为脊柱骨折伴脊髓神经损伤治疗提供指导。

As a kind of common orthopedic injuries, spinal fracture is mostly caused by direct or indirect external forces, mainly involving the spine and surrounding soft tissues. Normal physiological structure changes after spinal fracture can lead to spinal cord injury and compression. Since the vertebral canal is the vertebral column that stores an integral portion of the central nervous system, its anatomical structure is complex and requires high surgical accuracy during surgery. With the high degree of freedom of robot arm in the robotic surgical system, surgeons can use the real-time tracking system to dynamically monitor the insertion of spinal needle accurately and safely. It could also improve the success rate of puncturing and nail placement, avoid secondary bone destruction, and lighten surgeons’ work load. Meanwhile, the application of robot-assisted surgery and rehabilitation way in clinical practice could provide patients with continuous neurological treatment and rehabilitation, improve patients’ muscle activity and reduce nerve damage, which is conducive to rehabilitation of patients’ limb function. The application of robot-assisted surgery in spinal fracture with spinal cord injury was mainly analyzed in this study, hoping to provide guidance for the treatment of spinal fracture with spinal cord injury.


收稿日期:2023-11-13  录用日期:2024-01-15 

Received Date: 2023-11-13  Accepted Date: 2024-01-15


Foundation Item: Key Clinical Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment Technology Special Project of Suzhou City (LCZX202205) 


Corresponding Author: FAN Zhihai, Email: 

引用格式:吴博宇,范志海 . 机器人辅助手术治疗脊柱骨折伴脊髓神经损伤的研究进展 [J]. 机器人外科学杂志(中英文), 2024,5(2):194-198. 

Citation: WU B Y, FAN Z H. Research progress of robot-assisted surgery in the treatment of spinal fracture with spinal cord injury[J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2024, 5(2): 194-198.


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