目的:探讨下肢康复机器人及等速肌力训练对胸腰段脊髓损伤患者康复效果的影响。方法:选取 2022 年 1 月—2023 年 12 月收治的 120 例胸腰段脊髓损伤患者,采用随机数字表法分为对照组(n=60,采用常规训 练 + 下肢康复机器人训练)和研究组(n=60,采用常规训练 + 下肢康复机器人训练 + 等速肌力训练),比较两组患 者膝关节、髋关节活动度,步行功能和下肢肌力。结果:与训练前比较,两组患者训练 4 周后膝关节和髋关节活动度、 脊髓损伤步行指数(WISCI Ⅱ)、6min 步行测试(6MWT)、屈肌群和伸肌群峰力矩(PT)、屈肌群和伸肌群力矩 加速能(TAE)、胭绳肌与股四头肌肌力比率(H/Q)、髋伸肌肌力、髋屈肌肌力、髋外展肌肌力、踝跖屈肌肌力 升高(P<0.05),两组患者训练 4 周后 10 m 步行时间(10MWT)降低(P<0.05),且与对照组比较,研究组患者 训练 4 周后膝关节和髋关节活动度、WISCI Ⅱ、6MWT、屈肌群和伸肌群 PT、屈肌群和伸肌群 TAE、H/Q、髋伸肌 肌力、髋屈肌肌力、髋外展肌肌力、踝跖屈肌肌力更高(P<0.05),研究组患者训练 4 周后 10MWT 更低(P<0.05)。 结论:下肢康复机器人及等速肌力训练应用于胸腰段脊髓损伤患者可改善膝关节、髋关节活动度,提升步行功能和 下肢肌力。
Objective: To explore the effectiveness of lower limb rehabilitation robot and isokinetic muscle strength training on patients with thoracolumbar spinal cord injury. Methods: From January 2022 to December 2023, 120 patients with thoracolumbar spinal cord injury were selected. They were divided into the control group (n=60) and the study group (n=60) using a random number table. The control group received the conventional training + lower limb rehabilitation robot training, while the study group received the conventional training +lower limb rehabilitation robot training +isokinetic muscle strength training. Knee and hip joint range of motion, walking function, and lower limb muscle strength of patients in the two groups were compared. Results: Compared with that before training, the knee and hip joint range of motion, walking index for spinal cord injury (WISCI II), 6-minute walking test (6MWT), peak torque (PT), torque acceleration energy (TAE), hamstrings to quadriceps ratio (H/Q), hip extensor strength, hip flexor strength, hip abductor strength, and ankle plantar flexor strength were all improved in both groups after 4 weeks of training (P<0.05). After 4 weeks of training, the 10 meter walking time (10MWT) of patients in the two groups was decreased (P<0.05), and the knee and hip joint range of motion, WISCI II, 6MWT, PT, TAE, H/Q, hip extensor strength, hip flexor strength, hip abductor strength, and ankle plantar flexor strength were higher in the study group than those in the control group (P<0.05), while the study group had lower 10MWT after 4 weeks of training than the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: The application of lower limb rehabilitation robot combining with isokinetic muscle strength training in patients with thoracolumbar spinal cord injury can improve their knee and hip joint mobility, enhance walking function and improve lower limb muscle strength of patients.
收稿日期:2024-05-08 录用日期:2024-06-06
Received Date: 2024-05-08 Accepted Date: 2024-06-06
Foundation Item: Health Research Project of Shenzhen city (2023211)
Corresponding Author: ZHANG Yifan, Email: dzxy1012@163.com
引用格式:胡敏杰,李志锋,刘水根,等 . 下肢康复机器人及等速肌力训练对胸腰段脊髓损伤患者康复效果的影响 [J]. 机器人外科 学杂志(中英文),2024,5(6):1130-1136.
Citation: HU M J, LI Z F, LIU S G, et al. Rehabilitation effect of lower limb rehabilitation robot and isokinetic muscle strength training on patients with thoracolumbar spinal cord injury[J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2024, 5(6): 1130-1136.
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