近年来,得益于 5G 网络技术的飞速发展,我国在机器人远程手术领域取得了突破性进展。本文首次 报道了全球范围内基于 5G 网络的国产机器人在小儿外科成功实施远程手术的案例。患者为 7 岁女童,确诊为 46,XY 性别发育障碍(DSD),需进行双侧性腺切除术。手术利用图迈 ® 四臂腔镜手术机器人,通过 5G 网络实现远程操作, 确保手术同步进行且无延迟。手术过程顺利,患儿术后恢复良好,验证了该技术的可行性和安全性。此次手术不仅 标志着我国在远程手术技术上的全球领先地位,也为未来医学资源均衡分配提供了新的可能性,展现了 5G 网络技 术在医疗领域的巨大潜力。
In recent years, China has made groundbreaking progress in the field of robotic remote surgery, due to the rapid development of 5G network technology. The first domestic robot-assisted bilateral gonadectomy based on 5G network technology in the world was reported in this paper. The female patient was 7-year-old, diagnosed with 46, XY disorders of sex development (DSD), required bilateral gonadectomy. The surgery was remotely performed using the Toumai® Laparoscopic Surgical Robot with 5G network to ensure synchronized and delay-free execution. The procedure was completed smoothly, and the patient recovered well after surgery, which confirmed its feasibility and safety. This report not only marks China’s global leadership in remote surgery, but also offers new possibilities for the equitable distribution of medical resources in the future, demonstrating the immense potential of 5G networks technology in the medical field.
收稿日期:2024-08-21 录用日期:2024-09-13
Received Date: 2024-08-21 Accepted Date: 2024-09-13
Foundation Item: Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province (2023J01183); Special Fund for Science and Technology Innovation of Sanya City (2022KJCX40)
Corresponding Author: SUN Jie, Email: sunjie@scmc.com.cn
引用格式:童国煜,张轶男,吴少峰,等 . 国产手术机器人 5G 远程双侧性腺切除术:全球首例报道(附手术视频)[J]. 机器人外 科学杂志(中英文),2024,5(6):1266-1270.
Citation: TONG G Y, ZHANG Y N, WU S F, et al. Domestic surgical robot-assisted 5G remote bilateral gonadectomy: the first case report (with surgical video)[J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2024,5(6): 1266-1270.
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