中国的机器人外科学杂志 | ISSN 2096-7721 | CN 10-1650/R

Robocare 护理模式在达芬奇机器人辅助腹腔镜宫颈癌根治术全程护理中的应用

Application of Robocare nursing mode in the whole nursing of Da Vinci robot-assisted laparoscopic radical hysterectomy


Vol. 5 No. 3 Jun. 2024 DOI: 10.12180/j.issn.2096-7721.2024.03.009 发布日期:2024-05-24
关键词:腹腔镜手术;宫颈癌根治术;机器人辅助手术;Robocare 护理模式;全程护理


目的:探究 Robocare 护理模式在达芬奇机器人辅助腹腔镜宫颈癌根治术全程护理中的应用效果。 方法:选取 2021 年 6 月—2023 年 6 月在本院收治的 102 例行达芬奇机器人辅助腹腔镜宫颈癌根治术患者。将所有 患者分为对照组(51 例)和观察组(51 例),对照组接受常规护理模式,观察组接受 Robocare 护理模式,比较两 组患者的心理状态(CD-RISC、SIS 评分)与自我效能(SUPPH 评分)、恢复状况、并发症、体力状况(Karnofsky 体力状况)、生活质量(EORTCQLQ-C30 评分)以及护理满意度方面的差异。结果:与术前相比,出院时两组患者 CD-RISC、SUPPH 评分均升高,SIS 评分均降低(P<0.05),且观察组优于对照组(P<0.05)。观察组首次肛门通气 时间、术后下床活动时间、首次排便时间、引流管拔除时间、住院时间均少于对照组,且并发症总发生率更低(P<0.05)。 与术前相比,出院时、出院后 3 个月,两组 Karnofsky 体力状况、EORTCQLQ-C30 评分均升高(P<0.05),观察组 均高于对照组(P<0.05)。出院时观察组出院时总满意度更高(P<0.05)。结论:Robocare 护理模式应用于达芬奇 机器人辅助腹腔镜宫颈癌根治术全程护理中可有效改善患者心理状态,提高自我效能,减少术后并发症发生率,促 进体力恢复与早期康复,提升生活质量与护理满意度。

Objective: To explore the application effect of Robocare nursing mode in the whole nursing of robot-assisted laparoscopic radical hysterectomy. Methods: A study was conducted on 102 patients who underwent robot-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy in the First Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Military Medical University from June 2021 to June 2023. All patients were divided into the control group (51 cases) and the observation group (51 cases). The control group received conventional nursing mode, and the observation group received Robocare nursing mode. The differences in psychological status (CD-RISC, SIS score), SUPPH score, recovery status, complications, Karnofsky physical condition, EORTC QLQ-C30 score and nursing satisfaction were compared between the two groups. Results: Compared with before surgery, CD-RISC and SUPPH scores of both groups of patients increased and SIS scores decreased at discharge (P<0.05), and the observation group was better than the control group (P<0.05). The first anal ventilation time, postoperative mobilization time, first defecation time, drainage tube removal time and hospital stay in the observation group were less than those in the control group, and the total incidence of complications was lower (P<0.05). At discharge and 3 months after discharge, Karnofsky physical status and EORTC QLQ-C30 score in both groups were increased (P<0.05), and those in observation group were higher than those in control group (P<0.05). The total satisfaction rate of the observation group was higher at discharge (P<0.05). Conclusion: The application of Robocare nursing mode in the whole process of robot-assisted laparoscopic radical hysterectomy could effectively improve the psychological state of patient and self-efficacy, reduce the incidence of postoperative complications, promote physical recovery and early rehabilitation, and improve the quality of life and nursing satisfaction.


收稿日期:2023-11-15  录用日期:2024-02-05 

Received Date: 2023-11-15  Accepted Date: 2024-02-05 


Foundation Item: Science and Technology Program Fund of Shaanxi Province(2016k14-07-09) 


Corresponding Author: LI Juan, Email: 

引用格式:王彤,李娟,张红菊,等 . Robocare 护理模式在达芬奇机器人辅助腹腔镜宫颈癌根治术全程护理中的应用 [J]. 机器人 外科学杂志(中英文),2024,5(3):360-365. 

Citation: WANG T, LI J, ZHANG H J, et al. Application of Robocare nursing mode in the whole nursing of Da Vinci robot-assisted laparoscopic radical hysterectomy [J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2024, 5(3): 360-365.


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