目的:分析近十年国内外智能可穿戴运动康复系统在康复医学领域的研究热点及趋势。方法:采用 CiteSpace 软件对 2014 年 10 月—2023 年 10 月中国知网及 Web of Science(WoS)数据库中关于智能可穿戴运动康复 系统在康复医学领域的研究进行可视化分析,主要分析内容包括发文量、作者、机构、共被引、研究热点等,同时 绘制相应的知识图谱。结果:共纳入中文文献 527 篇(年均 53 篇),10 个关键词聚类和 18 个突现词,其 Q 值为 0.5527, S 值为 0.8561;共纳入英文文献 633 篇(年均 63 篇),8 个关键词聚类和 18 个突现词,其 Q 值为 0.3824,S 值为 0.7096。 结论:智能可穿戴运动康复系统可运用人工智能技术增强康复效果,并结合人机交互和虚拟现实,提高临床治疗效率。 未来可视化、一体化、数字化、个体化和家庭化的智能运动康复系统是我国在智能可穿戴运动康复系统的重要研究 方向和发展趋势。
Objective: To analyze the research hotspots and trends of intelligent wearable sports rehabilitation systems in the field of rehabilitation medicine at home and abroad in the past 10 years. Methods: CiteSpace software was used to visualize and analyze researches on intelligent wearable sports rehabilitation systems in the field of rehabilitation medicine published in China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and Web of Science (WoS) databases from October 2014 to October 2023. The main analysis contents were the number of published articles, authors, institutions, co-citations and research hotspots, and corresponding knowledge graphs were also drawn. Results: In the past 10 years, there were a total of 527 Chinese literatures related to intelligent wearable sports rehabilitation systems in the field of rehabilitation medicine (annual average of 53), including 10 keyword clusters and 18 keywords with the strongest citation bursts, with the Q value of 0.5527 and S value of 0.8561. There were a total of 633 English literature articles (annual average of 63), including 8 keyword clusters and 18 keywords with the strongest citation bursts, with the Q-value of 0.3824 and S-value of 0.7096. Conclusion: The intelligent wearable sports rehabilitation system assisted by artificial intelligence technology can enhance rehabilitation efficacy. Combining with human-computer interaction and virtual reality technologies, it can improve clinical treatment efficiency. In the future, the development of visualized, integrated, digitized, personalized, and home-based intelligent sports rehabilitation systems will be an important research direction in China.
收稿日期:2024-03-29 录用日期:2024-05-09
Received Date: 2024-03-29 Accepted Date: 2024-05-09
基金项目:国家重点研发计划 (2022YFC3601105)
Foundation Item: National Key R&D Plan (2022YFC3601105)
Corresponding Author: PAN Yu, Email: py10335@163.com
引用格式:李硕,唐明坤,潘钰 . 基于 CiteSpace 的智能可穿戴运动康复系统在康复医学领域的研究热点与趋势分析 [J]. 机器人外 科学杂志(中英文),2024,5(5):864-870.
Citation: LI S, TANG M K, PAN Y. Research hotspots and trend analysis on intelligent wearable sports rehabilitation systems based on CiteSpace in the field of rehabilitation medicine[J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2024, 5(5): 864-870.
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