中国的机器人外科学杂志 | ISSN 2096-7721 | CN 10-1650/R


Progress and prospects of robot-assisted laparoendoscopic single-site technology in urology


Vol. 5 No. 1 Feb. 2024 DOI: 10.12180/j.issn.2096-7721.2024.01.001 发布日期:2024-03-06


近年来,单孔腹腔镜技术一直是外科领域迫切需要但难以攻克的微创难点技术之一。机器人手术系 统作为现阶段微创外科领域最先进的技术已广泛应用于临床,与此同时机器人辅助单孔腹腔镜技术也发生了巨大的 飞跃。目前,机器人辅助单孔腹腔镜手术在临床的应用还处于快速成长阶段,其中也存在诸多的挑战。本文通过对 国内外相关文献进行综合分析,介绍了机器人辅助单孔腹腔镜技术在泌尿外科领域的发展现状,并进一步展望机器 人辅助单孔手术在泌尿外科的发展前景。

In recent years, laparoendoscopic single-site technology has been one of the most difficult minimally invasive techniques in surgical field. As the most advanced technology in the field of minimally invasive surgery, robotic surgical system has been widely used in clinical practice. Meanwhile, robot-assisted laparoendoscopic single-site technology has also made a huge leap. At present, the clinical application of robot-assisted laparoendoscopic single-site surgery is still in the stage of rapid growth, but there are also many challenges and obstacles. The current status and difficulties of robot-assisted laparoendoscopic single-site surgery in urology were introduced in this paper by comprehensive analysis of relevant literatures at home and abroad, and further development of robotic laparoendoscopic single-site surgery in urology was prospected.


收稿日期:2022-07-12  录用日期:2023-07-25 

Received Date: 2022-07-12  Accepted Date: 2023-07-25


Foundation Item: Scientific Research Project of Jiangsu Provincial Health Commission(ZD2021028) 


Corresponding Author: GU Min, Email: 

引用格式:朱清毅,魏勇,顾民 . 机器人辅助单孔腹腔镜技术在泌尿外科的发展与展望 [J]. 机器人外科学杂志(中英文),2024,5(1): 1-6. 

Citation: ZHU Q Y, WEI Y, GU M. Progress and prospects of robot-assisted laparoendoscopic single-site technology in urology[J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2024, 5(1): 1-6. 


Co-first Author: ZHU Qingyi, WEI Yong


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