目的:探索在不同距离 5G 网络环境下国产图迈 ® 手术机器人在远程动物手术中的可行性、安全性及稳定性。 方法:将 6 头实验用标准猪随机分为 6 组,使用国产图迈 ® 手术机器人在 5G 网络环境下从甘肃省 6 个地区分别对 位于甘肃省人民医院动物手术室的 6 头实验猪实施远程胆囊切除手术。对实验过程中的网络速率、网络延迟、调试 时间、装机时间、手术时间、失血量、不良事件和术中并发症进行记录。结果:本次实验历时 15 d 完成,累计往返 距离超过 3000 km,最远的手术直线距离约为 780 km,6 台远程动物胆囊切除手术均在 5G 网络环境下顺利完成。平 均网络延迟为(55.16±25.33) ms,平均调试时间为(65.17±13.75) min,平均装机时间为(5.12±1.60) min,平均 机器人操控时间为(22.00±5.40) min,平均总手术时间为(44.00±4.23) min,平均失血量为(5.83±7.36) mL,术 中发生弱网不良事件 1 次,无术中并发症发生。结论:5G 网络环境下使用国产图迈 ® 手术机器人可以安全、稳定地 进行远程动物手术,这为实现远程机器人临床手术奠定了理论基础。
Objective: To explore the feasibility, safety and stability of the domestic Toumai® surgical robot in remote animal experiments under different distances of 5G network environment. Methods: 6 standard pigs were randomly divided into 6 groups, and the Toumai® surgical robot was used to perform remote cholecystectomy on experimental pigs located in the animal operating room of Gansu Provincial Hospital from 6 different locations in Gansu Province under 5G network environment.The network rate, network delay, debugging time, loading time, operative time, blood loss, adverse events and intraoperative complications were recorded. Results: The experiment lasted 15 days, with a cumulative round-trip distance of >3000 km, and the farthest surgical distance was about 780 km. 6 remote animal cholecystectomies were successfully completed under 5G network environment, with the average network delay of (55.16±25.33) ms, the average commissioning time of (65.17±13.75) min, the average loading time of (5.12±1.60) min, the average robot manipulating time of (22.00±5.40) min, the average total operative time of (44.00±4.23) min, and the average blood loss of (5.83±7.36) mL. 1 case of intraoperative weak network connection was found, but there was no intraoperative complications occurred. Conclusion: Remote animal surgery can be safely and stably performed using domestic Toumai® surgical robot under 5G network environment, which provides a theoretical foundation for the remote robot-assisted surgery on human.
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(82260031);甘肃省自然科学基金(21JR11RA186);甘肃省青年科技基金(20JR10RA415); 甘肃省院内科研基金项目(21GSSYB-8,20GSSY5-2)
Foundation Item: National Natural Science Foundation of China(82260031); Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province (21JR11RA186); Youth Science and Technology Fund of Gansu Province (20JR10RA415); Scientific Research Funding Project of Gansu Provincial Hospital (21GSSYB-8, 20GSSY5-2)
Corresponding Author: CAI Hui, Email: caialonteam@163.com; YANG Jing, Email: 21634604@qq.com
引用格式:马世勋,狐鸣,马云涛,等 . 基于 5G 网络的图迈 ® 手术机器人远程动物实验研究 [J]. 机器人外科学杂志(中英文), 2025,6(1):12-17,23.
Citation: MA S X , HU M , MA Y T , et al. Remote animal experiments with Toumai® surgical robot based on 5G network[J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2025, 6(1): 12-17, 23.
Co-first author: MA Shixun, HU Ming
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