2023 年 12 月 14 日甘肃省人民医院普外科应用国产图迈 ® 腔镜机器人手术系统完成首例 5G 远程袖状胃切除 手术。手术过程顺利,装机时间 30 min,手术总时长 120 min,操控机器人时间 90 min,出血量 20 mL。术中平均网 络延迟(55.16±25.33)ms,丢包率为 0.01%~0.1%,术中未发生网络中断等网络不良事件。术后未发生并发症。结 果表明,5G 远程机器人辅助袖状胃切除术是安全、有效的,具有临床应用价值。
The first case of 5G remote sleeve gastrectomy assisted by domestic Toumai® Laparoscopic Surgical Robot was completed in Gansu Provincial Hospital on December 14, 2023. The operation went smoothly, with a loading time of 30 min, total operative time of 120 min, robot manipulation time of 90 min, and bleeding volume of 20 mL. The average intraoperative network delay was (55.16±25.33) ms, the packet loss probability was 0.01%-0.1%, and there were no intraoperative network interruptions or other adverse network events. No postoperative complications was found. The results indicated that 5G remote robot-assisted sleeve gastrectomy is safe and effective, which has certain clinical application value.
基金项目:甘肃省联合科研基金项目(23JRRA1547);甘肃省人民医院院内科研基金项目(21GSSYA-3,22GSSYC-15);甘 肃省科技计划项目任务书(22JR5RA663)
Foundation Item: Joint Scientific Research Funding Project of Gansu Province (23JRRA1547); Scientific Research Funding Project of Gansu Provincial Hospital (21GSSYA-3, 22GSSYC-15); Science and Technology Plan Project of Gansu Province (22JR5RA663)
Corresponding Author: WANG Xiaopeng, Email: wxpjm78@163.com
引用格式:王晓鹏,王艳,狐鸣,等 . 基于全球首例 5G 远程机器人辅助袖状胃切除术的可行性分析(附手术视频)[J]. 机器人外 科学杂志(中英文),2025,6(1):24-27.
Citation: WANG X P, WANG Y , HU M, et al. Feasibility analysis on the first case of 5G remote robot-assisted sleeve gastrectomy in the world (with surgical video)[J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2025, 6(1): 24-27.
Co-first author: WANG Xiaopeng, WANG Yan
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