目的:评价国产手术机器人在5G远程条件下行结肠癌根治术的安全性及可行性。方法:本中心在5G网络下完成1 例远程机器人辅助结肠癌根治术,结合本病例资料与相关文献进行讨论分析。结果:手术过程顺利,无网络中断或机 器人相关不良事件发生。手术操作及手术画面无延迟,最高延时 84.2 ms,平均丢包率 0.01%,总手术时间 250 min, 主从连接时间 7 min,主从控制时间 108 min,术中出血量 10 mL。结论:5G 远程机器人辅助结肠癌根治术安全可行。
Objective: To evaluate the safety and feasibility of domestic robot-assisted radical colectomy for colon cancer under 5G network. Methods: A case of domestic robot-assisted radical colectomy for colon cancer under 5G network was performed in Gansu Provincial Hospital. Clinical data of the case and relevant literature were reviewed and analyzed. Results: The surgery went smoothly, with no adverse events involving robots or network interruptions. There was no delay in surgical operations and surgical images, with the maximum delay of 84.2 ms and the average packet loss probability of 0.01%. The total operative time was 250 min, the master-slave connection time was 7 min, with the master-slave controlling time of 108 min, and the intraoperative blood loss of 10mL. Conclusion: 5G remote robot-assisted colon surgery is safe and feasible.
基金项目:甘肃省自然科学基金(22JR85RA663);国家卫健委重点实验室专项(ZX-62000001-2022-058);甘肃省科技计划(联 合科研基金)项目(24JRRA885);甘肃省人民医院院内基金(ZX-62000001-2022-364);甘肃省人民医院科研创新平台基金 (ZX-62000001-2021-258)
Foundation Item: Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province (22JR85RA663); Key Laboratory Special Project of National Health Commission(ZX-62000001-2022-058); Science and Technology Plan (Joint Research Fund) Project of Gansu Province (24JRRA885); In-house Fund of Gansu Provincial Hospital (Education and Teaching Cultivation Project) (ZX-62000001-2022- 364); Scientific Research and Innovation Platform Fund of Gansu Provincial Hospital (ZX-62000001-2021-258)
Corresponding Author: MA Yuntao, Email: YuntaoMa2018@126.com
引用格式:张文涛,苗长丰,狐鸣,等 . 5G 远程机器人辅助结肠癌根治术一例报道并文献复习(附手术视频)[J]. 机器人外科学杂志 (中英文),2025,6(1):28-32.
Citation: ZHANG W T, MIAO C F, HU M, et al. 5G remote robot-assisted radical colectomy for colon cancer: a case report and literature review(with surgical video)[J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2025, 6(1): 28-32.
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