本研究报道 1 例自主式口腔种植机器人辅助下颌 all-on-6 种植术后即刻修复,利用自主式口腔种植机器人进 一步提高种植体植入的准确性,从而有效避开重要解剖结构。手术时间约 66 min,种植体植入点和末端点的平均偏 差 <0.5 mm,平均角度 <1°。种植手术顺利完成,术中无不良反应,术后顺利完成即刻修复。
To report a case of all-on-6 mandibular implant surgery assisted by an autonomous dental implant robot, which was utilized to further improve the accuracy of implant placement, thus effectively avoiding important anatomical structures. The operative time of all-on-6 mandibular edentulous jaw implantation by the autonomous oral implantation robot was about 66 min, the average deviation between the implant implantation point and the end point was less than 0.5 mm, and the average angular deviation was less than 1°. The implant surgery went smoothly, with no intraoperative adverse reactions, and the immediate postoperative restoration was successfully completed.
基金项目:内蒙古自治区科技厅“十四五”重点研发和成果转化计划项目(2023YFSH0054);内蒙古医科大学校级联合项目 (YKD2023LH003);内蒙古自治区口腔医学会临床科研基金项目(IMSA-2024-C4)
Foundation Item: Key R & D and Achievement Transformation Project to the 14th Five-Year Plan of Science and Technology Department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (2023YFSH0054); University Level Joint Project of Inner Mongolia Medical University (YKD2023LH003); Clinical Research Fund of Inner Mongolia Stomatological Society (IMSA-2024-C4)
Corresponding Author: GAO Xiaobo, Email: 1178609705@qq.com
引用格式:张漫,高小波,付铭蕾,等 . 自主式口腔种植机器人辅助下颌 all-on-6 种植即刻修复一例报道(附手术视频)[J]. 机 器人外科学杂志(中英文),2025,6(1):141-148.
Citation: ZHANG M, GAO X B, FU M L, et al. Mandibular all-on-6 immediate loading implant restorations assisted by an autonomous dental implant robot: a case report (with surgical video)[J]. Chinese Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2025, 6(1): 141-148.
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